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Ensuring a safe start to the 2022/23 academic year

As you know, we are about to begin the 2022/23 academic year. Whether you are a student, faculty or staff, we hope you enjoy the energy that comes with the start of winter session.

We are aware that members of our community may have questions related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As we announced in June of this year, UBC no longer requires students, faculty and staff to wear non-medical masks, but we continue to recommend that masks be worn in indoor public spaces.

As a reminder, students, faculty and staff who take part in academic activities in health settings on campus or outside of university campuses may still be required to wear a mask if mandated by a Public Health Order.

This approach reflects advice from our internal experts and public health guidance, as well as discussions with student leaders, Deans, Senate Planning Committee and unions, and is in alignment with other BC public post-secondary institutions.

We also want to take this opportunity to remind you of the safety measures we can all take:
  • Know the symptoms of COVID-19 and complete a daily health assessment. If you are sick, stay at home. Learn about the self-assessment tool at https://bc.thrive.health.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Follow the measures outlined in the COVID-19 Campus Rules. You can learn more at https://srs.ubc.ca/covid-19/ubc-campus-rules-guidance-documents.
  • We strongly recommend that all UBC community members get vaccinated and if eligible, receive their booster dose. You can learn more at https://immunizebc.ca.
  • Don’t forget, in BC, free vaccines are available to students arriving from international destinations and other provinces.
UBC will continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19, and is well placed to adjust its approach should circumstances change. Wishing you a safe and successful start to the academic year.

Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor

Lesley Cormack
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan
This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

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The University of British Columbia