CANCELLED: Healthy Aging Lecture: Step Counting and Cadence Tracking in Older Adults – Implications for Health


Please note that due to unforseen circumstances this event has been CANCELLED.

Catrine Tudor-Locke, PhD, FACSM, FNAK
Professor and Dean of the College of Health and Human Services at University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Step counting is now a widespread and acceptable approach to self-monitoring physical activity courtesy the recent surge in wearable technologies. And cadence (steps/min) is emerging as a reasonable indicator of intensity. Dr. Tudor-Locke will review current scientific literature related to step counting and cadence tracking with a specific focus on older adults. She will present evidence regarding the volume, dose (frequency, intensity, duration, timing) and dose-response relationships for step-based metrics, including steps/day (volume), cadence (steps/min; intensity), peak 30-min cadence (steps/min; composite index of frequency, intensity and duration), and zero-cadence (a proxy for sedentary behavior).

Dean Tudor-Locke is a walking behaviour researcher and a recognized world leader in objective physical activity assessment and promotion, specifically focused on pedometer or accelerometer-determined ambulatory activity captured as steps/day across the lifespan. She is a trained program evaluator and adult educator focused on practical applications in objective monitoring measurement and intervention. She has also published on clinical vs. free-living gait analysis, including interpretation of cadence as a simple indicator of ambulatory patterns. She has also published work documenting the relationship between time spent in sedentary behaviour and relatively low ambulatory activity, measured as steps/day.

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