We’re pleased to announce a new course for the summer term, KIN 500T-941. This is a 3 credit graduate course that will run as a mini-workshop from May 24 to May 27.
The course will focus on the examination of the human physiological processes under three themes; central and peripheral muscular fatigue, proprioception and hand function, and respiratory function.
There will be a keynote guest lecture each day given by visiting Professor and Scholar, Dr. Simon Gandevia.
Professor Gandevia’s research is in three strands: (i) Proprioception – sensory inputs, motor commands and the body representation; (ii) Motor control and fatigue – from the motor cortex to the spinal cord and then the muscles; and (iii) Respiration – sensory and motor control of human breathing muscles in health and disease.
He has published more than a hundred papers in the Journal of Physiology and two Physiological Reviews, one on supraspinal muscle fatigue and the other on proprioception.
This course is open to all grads at UBC and special registration arrangements may be setup with other universities across Canada.
Important: Please remember to select Summer 2017 term in the right corner. The system does not automatically default to the current term.