Hey everyone! My name is Katie, I am a 4th year Kinesiology student and am in the dual degree program in the Faculty of Education. I am a transfer student so this is technically my second year at UBC. Growing up, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher because I loved working with children.
I’m in Kinesiology because it perfectly combines my love of being active with my desire to teach. I’m now finishing my BKin and aim to complete my teaching degree the year after.
Once I arrived at UBC I made a point to become involved and make connections; so I volunteered with Active Kids and UBC Rec. This year I took another step by transitioning into an Active Kids coach role and joining the KIN Senior Orientation team.
I wanted to challenge myself by stepping into a bigger role and meet more people. I’d always had difficulty with public speaking and this role allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone to practice this skill. I felt nervous speaking at Imagine Day, but I persisted as I knew I could help new students, whose shoes I’d stood in only one year before!
Weeks after Imagine Day one of my peers approached me, thanking me for speaking that day and mentioning that many aspects of Imagine day had resonated with them. That simple thank you helped me to understand the important part I played as a KIN Senior Orientation leader. I’m especially proud of my transfer orientation leaders team for launching the first annual ‘welcome back’ pancake breakfast!
As a senior orientation leader I worked with a diverse group of staff and students. I learned that a leader isn’t necessarily the person with the loudest voice. And it’s not necessarily the person who speaks at the front of the room. Often the leader is the one doing the work behind the scenes who no one sees. Whichever leader you are, know that you will leave a lasting impact on your team and the community!
I really enjoyed developing new leadership skills and applying them in this role. Serving as a Senior Orientation leader has created many lasting and treasured memories for me – building strong bonds with likeminded and caring people allowed our team to develop even deeper more meaningful friendships. I’m excited for the next team of Senior Orientation leaders to come together and create more lasting memories for the KIN student body, for themselves, and for the School of Kinesiology.