Ling Pai, BHK 2007, is an extraordinary person who in spite of the physical challenges presented to her in life, has pushed herself to overcome them and go beyond. At age 14 Ling was diagnosed with Dominant Optical Atrophy and was told that her sight would continue to decline over time. Ling is now considered legally blind. She says, “Learning to live with a disability was a long process. For me, accepting the fact that I have a visual impairment was a big step. When I did, it changed me. I started being proud of myself and my capabilities.”
Today she is a champion surfer on the Canadian National Adaptive Surfing team, and recently won silver at the Adaptive Surfing Championships in Hawaii in June. Ling is also a trail runner and accomplished backcountry skier.
Ling is a shining example of KIN alumni. She has attended numerous KIN discussion panels and events, and has served as a mentor to current students in the KIN mentorship program. Ling credits her career path to KIN alum, Min Van Velzen. She recalls, “I was turned on to chronic disease and cardiac rehab in 3rd year by Min when he spoke in one of Dr. Rhodes’ classes. As a result of that Alumni presentation, I decided to volunteer at St Paul’s Healthy Heart with Min — and that was the beginning of my path. So I see the value in maintaining a relationship with the school and the students.”
Today Ling serves as the Director of Fitness at Pulse Fit Rx in Vancouver working as a certified exercise physiologist who specializes in chronic disease and cardiac rehabilitation. Check out Ling’s website and blog postings at