KIN Senior Orientation Leader: Priya Dhaliwal

Priya is a third-year student in the neuromechanical and physiology sciences stream. She plans to pursue a career in health care after she graduates and says “I think it’s best to follow my heart and see where my studies take me. My advice for all students out there is to be yourself and let your passions guide your career.”

Priya will be a KIN Orientation Leader this September 2021, where she will be able to “help support new students to UBC and make their transition into university as smooth as possible. Entering a new school is always a big nerve racker, and especially if it is such a renowned school like UBC. The idea of being able to provide a safe and welcoming environment for new UBC students enlightened me to becoming a Senior Orientation Leader.”

Priya reflects on her decision to join UBC KIN, “What makes kin a unique program is that it is a field of study where there’s a very hands-on approach to learning about the body and we can apply that knowledge to our everyday lives. This creates more engagement in the field, as we can connect what we are learning to our personal lives.” Priya has also played field hockey for the past 13 years, playing up to the provincial level, and was a member of the UBC women’s junior varsity hockey team for the last 1.5 years. She has been coaching field hockey and supports initiatives for the students against covid club.

When asked about the most important thing she has learned in KIN, Priya says “KIN has taught me that as a person, you are like no other. You are unique and that means that you can do things at your own pace. Life is not a race unless we make it one. Be yourself and if you need more time, take it.”