Office of the Director
Executive Team
- Robert Boushel, Director
- Romeo Chua, Deputy Director
- Nicola Hodges, Associate Director, Graduate Affairs
- Mark Carpenter, Associate Director, Infrastructure & Development KIN Gateway Building
- Mark Beauchamp, Associate Director, Research
- Paul Kennedy, Associate Director, Undergraduate Affairs and International Portfolio
- Huda Hamze, Manager, Administration and Finance
- Kathy Manson, Executive Coordinator & Program Administrator
Committees Chaired by the Director
Director’s Advisory Team
- Robert Boushel (Chair)
- Mark Beauchamp
- Mark Carpenter
- Romeo Chua
- Huda Hamze
- Nicola Hodges
- Paul Kennedy
- Kathy Manson
- Patricia Vertinsky
Senior Personnel Committee
- Robert Boushel (Chair)
- Mark Beauchamp
- Jean-Sebastién Blouin
- Mark Carpenter
- Romeo Chua
- Guy Faulkner
- Janice Forsyth
- Maria Gallo
- Nicola Hodges
- Laura Hurd (Faculty of Education, Dean Faculty Affairs)
- Tim Inglis
- Karim Khan
- Michael Koehle (on Sabbatical)
- Tania Lam
- Bill Sheel
- Patricia Vertinsky
- Darren Warburton
- Brian Wilson
- David Wright
Personnel Committee
- Robert Boushel (Chair)
- Mark Carpenter
- Romeo Chua
- Carolyn McEwen (on Sabbatical)
- Moss Norman
- Patricia Vertinsky
- Tania Lam
Merit and PSA Review Committee
- Robert Boushel (Chair)
- Mark Carpenter
- Romeo Chua
- Carolyn McEwen (on Sabbatical)
- Moss Norman
- Patricia Vertinsky
- Eli Puterman
Supplemented with two faculty members appointed by the Director to be broadly representative of the ranks.
School Meetings
School meetings and retreats for the 2024-25 academic year will be held as follows:
- School Meeting: Thursday, September 19 from 12:30 to 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Council Meeting: Thursday, October 17 from 12:30 to 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Meeting: Thursday, November 14 from 12:30 to 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Retreat: Friday, December 12 from 9:30am to 3:30pm, TBD
- School Meeting: Thursday, January 23 from 12:30pm to 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Meeting: Thursday, February 27 from 12:30 – 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Meeting: Thursday, March 20 from 12:30 – 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Meeting: Thursday, April 17 from 12:30 – 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Council Meeting: Friday, May 9 from 12:30 – 2:00pm in Chan Gunn, Room 200
- School Retreat: Thursday, June 5 from 9:00am – 3:30pm, TBD
Advisory and Executive Committees
Graduate Committee
- Nicola Hodges, Associate Director, Graduate Affairs (Chair)
- Robert Boushel
- Guy Faulkner
- Helen Luk
- Emma McCrudden
- David Wright
- Brian Wilson
- Maria Gallo
- Bill Sheel
- Grad Rep – MKIN
- Grad Rep – MSc
- Grad Rep – PhD
Adhoc Adjudication for Graduate Awards:
- Graduate Committee Faculty
- Erica Bennett
- Tania Lam
- Shannon Bredin
Seminar Series Coordinator
- Jean-Sebastién Blouin
Undergraduate Committee
- Paul Kennedy, Associate Director, Undergraduate Affairs (Chair)
- Andrea Bundon (on Sabbatical)
- Janice Forsyth
- Adam Lukasiewicz
- Jasmin Ma
- Desmond McEwan
- Carolyn McEwen (on Sabbatical)
- Moss Norman
- Hyosub Kim
- Undergraduate Rep – KUS President
Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards Program Adjudication
- Andrea Bundon (Chair)
- Jean-Sebastién Blouin
- Deborah Gromer
- Kayla Fewster
- Chanel Flores
- Janice Forsyth
- Paul Kennedy
- Adam Lukasiewicz
- Jasmin Ma
- Desmond McEwan
- Carolyn McEwen
- Cameron Mitchell
- Moss Norman
- Undergraduate Rep – KUS President
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee
- Eli Puterman (Chair)
- Robert Boushel
- Erica Bennnett
- Robert Busch
- Huda Hamze (Faculty of Education EDID Liaison)
- Jasmin Ma
- Desmond McEwan
- Liv Yoon
- Daniel Gamu
- Undergraduate Student
- Graduate Student
Research Committee
- Mark Beauchamp (Chair)
- Erica Bennett
- Shannon Bredin
- Guy Faulkner
- Michael Koehle (on Sabbatical)
- David Wright