Vancouver Summer Program in Kinesiology

The Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) in Kinesiology is a four-week, cross-cultural learning experience for international students. Students have the chance to learn about the field of Kinesiology in Canada, while also exploring Canadian society and culture through interactive lectures and social activities. Discover what it’s like to study kinesiology in Canada, meet new friends and learn about the world around you.

Visit UBC VSP for general program information.

Kinesiology Package A: Human Movement and Health

This package consists of two courses that will explore the psychological and physiological aspects of human movement and health. Students will discover exercise-related concepts in classrooms, laboratories, and through field trips. Past programs have visited the Richmond Oval, a world-class recreation facility and 2010 Winter Olympic venue; ICORD and PARC, a state of the art spinal cord injury research facility; and participated in Dragon Boating, a unique and cultural team sport that is widely popular across Canada and the world.

Students are expected to participate in 39 hours of class time per course. A certificate and grades letter* will be presented to students upon completion of the program.

This package runs for four weeks during the July-August cohort of VSP.

*Grades letters are not official UBC school transcripts. VSP courses do not receive UBC credit, although credit may be granted by students’ home institutions, at their discretion.

Course 1: Sport and Exercise Psychology

Course 2: Exercise and Health Physiology

Exercise is now recognized as a fundamental lifestyle component of health promotion and is an integral part of prescriptive approaches to the treatment of chronic diseases or conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and other degenerative diseases. Students in this course will be exposed to the theoretical basis for the mechanisms for exercise as a therapeutic approach to health promotion, application of exercise prescriptions and research approaches. Concepts learned in class will be supported through an active learning environment, with lab-based sessions covering testing and monitoring of exercise training programs, as well as visits to exercise and health facilities.

Student Experience

VSP gives students the chance to mingle with peers from around the world and experience living on campus at UBC, while exploring Vancouver and its surroundings.

Course and class activities for our packages are run during the weekdays, with most evenings and weekends free for exploring. We also offer optional social activities throughout the program that students can sign up for.

Our program also provides students with the opportunity to put their learnings into practice through various field trips that integrate key course topics and showcase kinesiology in Canada.

Program Fee and Application

The program fee includes:

  • orientation and farewell events
  • course materials
  • on campus accommodation (private room in a shared apartment)
  • basic medical insurance
  • exciting group socio-cultural activities and city tour

Students are responsible for the cost of food, transportation around Vancouver and any other expenses occurred during their personal time.

Please consult with your home institution to determine study abroad eligibility if you are a student interested in participating in this program. You must be proficient in English and have a strong academic interest. Universities interested in having multiple students participate are encouraged to have their students apply will in advance. Course packages have minimum and maximum class sizes, so please register early.

Visit UBC VSP for more details on program fees and how to apply.

For questions about applying, accommodations or financial assistance

For questions about the School of Kinesiology, courses/activities, or current UBC BKIN students interested in volunteering for VSP