Join Alumni UBC for the 2nd annual alumNIGHTS Pride!
UBC is celebrating Pride online and inviting everyone – students, staff, faculty, emeriti, alumni, and the LGBTQ2SIA+ community – to join in the fun.
The celebration will feature an iconic drag lip-sync by Canadian drag celebrity Scarlett BoBo, a stunning operatic performance by UBC alum Teiya Kasahara 笠原貞野, BMus’07 and a fun-filled battle of wits in a Pride Trivia Extravaganza hosted by UBC alum Mike Whitaker, BA’08, the professional quizmaster behind Vancouver’s premier pub trivia company, IQ 2000. In honour of Pride, the game will feature special Pride-themed rounds. Compete for bragging rights – and prizes (including MasterCard gift cards).
The event will be co-hosted by Vancouver not-for-profit board chair, fundraiser, and philanthropist Bruce Munro Wright and executive director of Out On Screen, UBC alum Brandon Yan 甄念本, BA’09.
For more information and to register click here.