Title: “Examining the Health and Healthcare Experiences of Older Vietnamese Canadians Who Have Chronic Conditions”
Supervisor: Dr. Laura Hurd
Committee members: Dr. Erica Bennett, Dr. Liv Yoon
Abstract: Older immigrants in Canada have poorer health and projected health outcomes, but also have a harder time seeking and accessing help for their health problems compared to their younger, non-immigrant counterparts. Although previous research has tried to identify and address the healthcare barriers facing older immigrants, the unique experiences of older Vietnamese immigrants have not been explored thoroughly. The health and healthcare experiences of Vietnamese older immigrants have primarily been studied in other contexts, such as the United States and Australia, where researchers found evidence of the mismanagement of diabetes, improper medication usage, and a lack of understanding about cancer screening tools. Building on this research, the purpose of this study is to explore the specific health and healthcare experiences of older Vietnamese Canadian immigrants who have at least one chronic condition. The study will entail semi-structured interviews with 10-15 participants, aged 65 years and older, who self-identify as Vietnamese immigrants. Participants will be recruited through posters at health clinics, various community organizations (e.g., MOSAIC, REACH), and Vietnamese churches and temples. They will be interviewed twice and will be asked about their life stories, immigration experiences, health and chronic illness management practices, and interactions with health care providers. I will audio code the interviews and thematically analyze the data. The findings of this study will contribute to the development of a more culturally safe healthcare system where the unique needs of marginalized populations are properly addressed. Furthermore, incorporating marginalized populations within healthcare research will generate new perspectives on how inequities in our healthcare systems have influenced the health and healthcare experiences of older immigrant adults.