Puterman, Eli

Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair Tier 2 in Physical Activity & Health | Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar

Email: eli.puterman@ubc.ca

Phone: 604 822 2854

Lab Website: Fitness, Aging, & Stress (FAST) Lab

Office: Medical Sciences Block C, Room 104 | 2176 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3

Mailing Address: War Memorial Gymnasium, Room 210 | 6081 University Boulevard, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z1

Publications: ORCID, Google Scholar, Research Gate


The University of British Columbia, 2009, PhD, (Psychology)

The University of British Columbia, 2004, MA, (Psychology)

Concordia University, 2001, BA, (Psychology)

McGill University, 1995, BSc, (Physiology)

Courses Taught

KIN 489X Psychobiology of Physical Activity


See ORCID, Google Scholar and Research Gate for a list of current publications.

Research and Teaching

My research seeks to understand the interplay among stress, aging, and exercise. It is unquestionable that habitual physical activity promotes health. My recent randomized controlled trial is the first to demonstrate that 6 months of exercise can reverse cellular aging of the immune system in previously inactive, highly stressed adults. These results invite a compelling question: does exercise benefit the immune system simply by bolstering basic cell mechanisms associated with aging or additionally by bolstering adaptive psychological and biological stress processes that can directly improve immune function? I am currently developing new intervention trials and laboratory based studies to disentangle the extent to which both acute and long-term exercise can strengthen both psychological and biological stress responses and immune function in children and adults alike.

Potential Students

Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree or post-doctoral fellowship are encouraged to contact me at the email address above.