Professor & Distinguished University Scholar
Email: bill.sheel@ubc.ca
Phone: 604 822 4459
Lab Website: Health and Integrative Physiology Laboratory
Office: Chan Gunn Pavilion, Room 221B | 2553 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3
Publications: Pub Med
University of Wisconsin – Madison, Post-Doctoral Fellow, (Medicine)
The University of British Columbia, PhD, (Kinesiology)
The University of British Columbia, MSc, (Kinesiology)
University of New Brunswick, BPE, (Kinesiology)
Courses Taught
KIN 335 Advanced Applications of Exercise Physiology
KIN 435 Pulmonary Physiology of Exercise
Research Area
Research Interests
See PubMed for a list of current publications.
Research and Teaching
The mammalian respiratory and cardiovascular systems are inseparably integrated such that manipulation of one system has consequences for the other. My program seeks to further our understanding of this fundamental biological relationship. The long-term objective of my research program is to understand how the human respiratory and cardiovascular systems interact, respond and adapt to physiological stressors such as exercise or hypoxia. Two themes are currently being pursued. The first theme explores respiratory influences on neurovascular control. The focus of the second theme is to better understand how biological sex influences the inter-relationships between airway anatomy, respiratory mechanics, distribution of blood flow, and skeletal muscle fatigue.
Editorial Activities
- Senior Editor, Experimental Physiology
- Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Physiology
Service to Scholarly Societies
- Past Chair, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
Potential Students
Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree or post-doctoral fellowship are encouraged to contact me at the email address above.