Cardiovascular response to respiratory muscle loading: The effect of menopausal status in women

Principle Investigator:
Dr. Bill Sheel
The primary purpose of the study is to observe the blood pressure and heart rate response to high-intensity respiratory work between healthy older men and women. We are also interested in observing the effect of female reproductive hormones on the blood pressure response; therefore, we will compare age-based differences in women.

You can participate in this study if; You are a healthy man or woman between the ages of 18-35 or 55-75 years, do not smoke, have normal lung function, and have no symptoms of cardiopulmonary disease.

What is involved:

  • Measurement of resting blood pressure, heart rate and carotid pulse.
  • Resistive breathing exercise
  • Women: Self report of menstrual history

Time Commitment:

  • Measurement of resting blood pressure, heart rate and carotid pulse.
  • The testing session will take approximately 2.5 hours.
  • Total time commitment – A total of 2.5 hours over a single visit.



End date: