The Book Launch of “Between the Pipes”; a graphic novel by Albert McLeod

The Indigenous Hockey Research Network, along with Critical Indigenous Studies and the School of Kinesiology at UBC, invite you to attend a book launch for the new graphic novel Between the Pipes with author Albert McLeod. The event, which takes place on Sunday, September 22nd at 6:30 p.m. in Jack Poole Hall North at Robert H. Lee Alumni Hall on UBC Campus, will involve:

  • A presentation and reading by the author
  • A public interview with Scholar of hockey literature and queer theory Jamieson Ryan (Queen’s University)
  • Discounted copies of the book for sale and a book signing
  • Catering by The Lazy Gourmet

Between the Pipes is an engrossing Young Adult Graphic Novel in which teen hockey player Chase learns more about himself and his identity in the face of prejudice and homophobia.

Albert McLeod is a Status Indian with ancestry from Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and the Metis communities of Cross Lake and Norway House in northern Manitoba. He has over thirty years of experience as a human rights activist and was one of the founders of the 2-Spirited People of Manitoba. Albert began his 2Spirit advocacy in Winnipeg in 1986 and became an HIV/AIDS activist in 1987. He was the director of the Manitoba Aboriginal AIDS Task Force from 1991 to 2001. In 2018, Albert received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Winnipeg. He was also a member of the sub-working group that produced the MMIWG – 2SLGBTQQIA+ National Action Plan Report in 2020-2021. In 2020, Albert joined Team Thunderhead, the team that recently won the international competition to design the 2SLGBTQI+ National Monument in Ottawa. Albert lives in Winnipeg, where he works as a consultant specializing in Indigenous peoples, 2Spirit history and identity, cultural reclamation, and cross-cultural training.