Title: “Kinesiologists, a Necessary Pillar for Sustainable Canadian Healthcare”
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Boushel
Second Reader: Dr. Donald McKenzie
Abstract: Overwhelming evidence exists showing that physical activity can reverse metabolic markers of chronic conditions and reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases. Approximately 50% of Canadians are not meeting 24-Hr Movement Guidelines and require support to physical activity status. Primary care physicians could play a significant role in health promotion having the option to refer patients to a clinician who specialize in cardiovascular and movement testing, exercise prescription and delivery such that sustainable movement behavior can be adopted. There is an undoubtable gap in Canadian healthcare for a clinician who specialize in physical activity prescription, and evidence-based behavior change interventions. Post-secondary institutions produce kinesiology graduates with the knowledge and skills to promote physical activity and positively influence the national state of chronic, non-communicable disease. Unfortunately, the lack of Federal regulation as a College Regulated Health profession contributes to reduced job opportunities, inconsistent wages, and overall low retention of Kinesiologists practicing in their clinical field. Standardized incorporation of kinesiologists in PHC is a realistic approach to physical activity promotion, compared to changing treatment practices or adding exercise prescription to the plate of other systematically established, existing health professions.