Title: “Popping the Bubble-Wrap: Examining Children’s Independent Mobility in Canada” Supervisory Committee: Dr. Guy Faulkner (Research supervisor), Dr. Mariana Brussoni, Dr. Patricia Vertinsky University Examiners: Dr. Alexander Bigazzi, Dr. Nicola Hodges External Examiner: Dr. Sandra Mandic Chair: Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose Abstract: Children’s independent mobility is defined as a child’s freedom to travel and play in their neighbourhood […]
Title: “Characterizing the relationship between airway anatomy and physiological function: Implications of sex and swim training” Supervisory Committee: Dr. Bill Sheel (Research supervisor), Dr Stephen C T Lam, Dr. Don McKenzie, Dr Donald Sin University Examiners: Dr. Jean-Sebastien Blouin, Dr. Patricia Schulte External Examiner: Dr. Louis Phillipe Boulet Chair: Dr. John A Fleetham Abstract: Purpose: Two […]
Kinesiology Alumni and Graduate Student Representatives present: a holiday games night! Join us for an evening of your favourite online games and some friendly competition. Just like the more traditional games night, you’ll be able to switch between games such as Family Feud, Code Names, Jackbox, Among Us, and more! Sign up with a friend […]
Title: “An Examination of Dweck’s Psychological Needs Model in Relation to Exercise-Related Well-Being and Behaviour” Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Mark Beauchamp Committee Members: Dr. Guy Faulkner , Dr. Bruno Zumbo, Dr. Ryan Rhodes (University of Victoria) Chair: Dr Bill Sheel Abstract: Psychological needs, which are broadly conceptualized as innate, universal psychosocial requirements for well-being and long-term psychological […]
We are here for you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us! Please feel free to reach out to us at any time: kin-gradreps@lists.ubc.ca Wishing you all a great semester! Shalaya, Josh & Alyssa
Title:“The effect of age and sex on the neurovascular and cardiovascular metaboreflex response” Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Bill Sheel Committee Members: Dr. Nisha Charkoudian, Dr. Glen Foster, Dr. Michael Koehle Chair: Dr Cameron Mitchell Abstract: The metaboreflex is a metabolically stimulated reflex initiated in contracting skeletal muscle. Accumulating metabolites stimulate group III/IV afferent fibers resulting in a […]
Title: Cannabis Use in High Performance Sport: An Exploration Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Bundon Committee Members: Dr. Brian Wilson, Dr. Michael-John Milloy Chair: Dr. Moss Norman Abstract: Cannabis use is undergoing a process of normalization, which is allowing for cannabis use to transition from a once deviant social behaviour to remerge as a common lifestyle choice (Duff et […]
Title: “Human Head-neck Biomechanical Response to an Active Anti-whiplash Automotive Seat” Supervisor: Dr. Jean-Sébastien Blouin Committee members: Dr. Gunter Siegmund, Dr. Calvin Kuo Abstract: Whiplash injuries usually occur following rear-end vehicle collisions and have been a focus area of biomechanical research for decades. Although mainly classified as a mild injury, whiplash is a substantial financial […]
Title: “Bioenergetic and physiological responses to aerobic exercise” Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Robert Boushel (Kinesiology) Committee Members: Dr. Dave Clarke (SFU, Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology), Dr. Trish Schulte (Zoology), Dr. Bill Sheel (Kinesiology) Chair: Dr Jean-Sébastien Blouin Abstract: Humans evolved to be physically active, as physical activity became integral to short- and long-term energy balance. Key aspects […]
Title: Mind Fit: Evaluation of a Community-Based Wellness Program for Adolescents Experiencing Depression and/or Anxiety Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Guy Faulkner Committee Members: Dr. Erica Lau, Dr. Peter Crocker Chair: Dr Moss Norman Abstract: Exercise, a subset of physical activity, is a promising treatment for mild-to-moderate depression and anxiety in adolescents (teens). Mind Fit is an 8-week, group-based, […]