Lam, Tania



Phone: 604 827 3165

Lab Website: Lam Lab

Office: Robert F. Osborne Centre, Unit 1, Room 214

Other Office Address: ICORD, Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, Room 3315 | 818 West 10th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1M9

Publications: PubMed


University of Alberta, 2002, PhD, (Neuroscience)

Queen’s University, 1997, BScPT

Courses Taught

KIN 482 Advanced Seminar in Neuromechanics (Neuroplasticity)

KIN 300 Human Athletic Performance

KIN 131 (formerly 190) Systems Physiology I


See PubMed for an up-to-date list of publications.

Research and Teaching

Dr. Lam’s research program explores the application of exercise and rehabilitation strategies to improve functional recovery in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Her work spans the fields of neuroscience and physical therapy and includes the use of both applied clinical interventions and neurophysiological mechanistic investigations. For many years, Dr. Lam’s research program focused primarily on recovery of walking and included the development of innovative robotic-based protocols for gait training and assessments of proprioceptive function in people with SCI. More recently, Dr. Lam’s lab has shifted focus to explore the possibilities of using exoskeleton gait training and other exercise-based interventions to target the pelvic floor muscles and improve urogenital function in individuals with SCI. Other current projects include determining the effect of neuromodulation (spinal and peripheral nerve stimulation) on sensorimotor excitability and establishing techniques to understand the neural control of pelvic floor muscle function in people with SCI.

Potential Students

Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree or post-doctoral fellowship are encouraged to contact me at the email address above.