Director | Professor
Email: robert.boushel@ubc.ca
Phone: 604 822 2767
Office: War Memorial Gymnasium, Room 210D | 6081 University Boulevard, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z1
Publications: Google Scholar
Please note: Dr. Boushel is not accepting students at this time.
Research Area
Research and Teaching
Dr. Boushel’s research and teaching covers broad areas of exercise physiology including regulation of the oxygen cascade during exercise, the circulation and muscle metabolism. This focus is applied to investigate the acute response to dynamic exercise and the adaptive response to various forms of training in healthy and clinical populations and environments. His lab uses methods to measure cardiac output and limb blood flow, oxygen extraction, metabolites and mitochondrial function to investigate the regulation of oxygen delivery, diffusion and utilization during exercise. These experimental approaches enable the study of muscle bioenergetic metabolic responses to exercise and training. Dr. Boushel also focuses on exercise in primary care medicine in collaboration with CHANGE BC with the Pacific Northwest Division of Family Practice. He leads the Saltin International Graduate Course is a member of UBC Precision Health, UBC Health Council and Steering Committee of the BC Diabetes Research Network.
NOTE: Not accepting students at this time.
Sample Publications
- Larsen FJ, Schiffer TA, Zinner C, Willis SJ, Morales-Alamo D, Calbet JAL, Boushel R, Holmberg HC. Mitochondrial oxygen affinity increases after sprint interval training and is related to the improvement in peak oxygen uptake. Acta Physiologica (Oxf). 2020 Mar 6:e13463.
- Sheel AW, Boushel R, Dempsey JA. Competition for blood flow distribution between respiratory and locomotor muscles: implications for muscle fatigue. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 2018 Sep 1;125(3):820-831.
- Cardinale DA, Larsen FJ, Jensen-Urstad M, Rullman E, Søndergaard H, Morales-Alamo D, Ekblom B, Calbet JAL, Boushel R. Muscle mass and inspired oxygen influence oxygen extraction at maximal exercise: Role of mitochondrial oxygen affinity. Acta Physiologica (Oxf). 2018 Jun 4:e13110.
- Thrush AB, Antoun G, Nikpay M, Patten DA, DeVlugt C, Mauger JF, Beauchamp BL, Lau P, Reshke R, Doucet É, Imbeault P, Boushel R, Gibbings D, Hager J, Valsesia A, Slack RS, Al-Dirbashi OY, Dent R, McPherson R, Harper ME. Diet-resistant obesity is characterized by a distinct plasma proteomic signature and impaired muscle fiber metabolism. International Journal of Obesity (Lond). 2018 Mar;42(3):353-362.
- Boushel R. Linking skeletal muscle blood flow and metabolism to the limits of human performance. Applied Physiology Nutrition Metabolism. 2017 Jan;42(1):111-115
- Gnaiger E, Boushel R, Søndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, Díez-Sánchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet JA, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B. Mitochondrial coupling and capacity of oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of Inuit and Caucasians in the arctic winter. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015 Dec;25 Suppl 4:126-34.
- Larsen FJ, Schiffer TA, Ørtenblad N, Zinner C, Morales-Alamo D, Willis SJ, Calbet JA, Holmberg HC, Boushel R. High-intensity sprint training inhibits mitochondrial respiration through aconitase inactivation. FASEB Journal. 2016 Jan;30(1):417-27.
- Steding-Ehrenborg K, Boushel RC, Calbet JA, Åkeson P, Mortensen SP. Left ventricular atrioventricular plane displacement is preserved with lifelong endurance training and is the main determinant of maximal cardiac output. Journal of Physiology. 2015 Dec 1;593(23):5157-66.
- Mortensen SP, Boushel R. High-density lipoprotein: a new therapeutic target for glucose intolerance? Circulation. 2013 Nov 26;128(22):2349-50.
- Yin H, Pasut A, Soleimani VD, Bentzinger CF, Antoun G, Thorn S, Seale P, Fernando P, van Ijcken W, Grosveld F, Dekemp RA, Boushel R, Harper ME, Rudnicki MA. MicroRNA-133 controls brown adipose determination in skeletal muscle satellite cells by targeting Prdm16. Cell Metabolism. 2013 Feb 5;17(2):210-24.