Course Planning Tools

Crafting your BKIN degree is a deeply personal endeavor, striking a balance between degree requirements and your individual preferences. Although your lower-level core courses and certain upper-level requirements are mandatory, elements such as elective choices, stream requirements, and the pace of degree completion are entirely within your control. This flexibility empowers you to customize your education to align with personal interests, career aspirations, and learning preferences. The degree planning tools provided below are designed to assist you in mapping out your unique academic journey. By leveraging these resources, you can make informed decisions about course selection and navigate your progress towards successful degree completion.

Registration and Academic Policies

It’s essential to proactively manage your academic journey by familiarizing yourself with degree requirements, reviewing course offerings, planning ahead, monitoring registration dates, and seeking assistance when needed. By staying informed about degree requirements, scheduling courses that align with your academic interests and prerequisites, and being proactive in the registration process, you can ensure a smooth and successful academic experience while progressing towards graduation. Below you’ll find some of the most helpful registration tips:

Registration Dates

The date and time of your registration each year is determined by your average from the previous session and your year standing. The current dates are available on the Registration Dates page. Please keep in mind that Enrolment Services will notify you of your individual date and time of registration about 1 week prior, and this will also be shown on Workday.

Registering for Courses

Every student is responsible for their own registration by utilizing the online registration system, Workday. If you have any questions or concerns about registration in non-KIN courses then you will need to reach out to the specific Department hosting that course.

Conflicting Courses

Course conflicts, where the scheduled meeting times of two or more courses overlap, are strictly prohibited. This means that regardless of the format of the course—whether it’s in-person, online with synchronous sessions, or asynchronous—you cannot enroll in courses that have overlapping meeting times.


Students cannot register in KIN courses if they have not successfully completed prerequisite requirements. You should carefully check the UBC Calendar and KIN course descriptions on Workday as well as below to determine the prerequisite and corequisite requirements for all KIN courses. Planning ahead is important.

Watch our How-To Workday video on Prerequisites for more information on how to check prerequisites on Workday.

Credit/D/Fail Grading

UBC students have the option of registering for a course for Credit/D/Fail grading (Cr/D/F) during the registration period up until the add/drop deadline each term. BKIN students should be aware that Cr/D/F grading can only be applied to lower-level elective requirements. All required KIN courses, Minor and Dual-Degree required courses, and 48 credits taken at the 300-400 level must be taken with a percentage grade. A maximum of 12 Cr/D/F credits can be applied toward your entire degree, and up to 6 credits in one academic year. If you are considering taking a course at UBC for Cr/D/F grading then consult with the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Centre for guidance and support.

Late Withdrawals

A late withdrawal does not detract from your academic record, but does result in a “W” standing. A withdrawal on your transcript indicates that you have attempted a course and have chosen to withdraw from it within university guidelines. A withdrawal is not calculated into your overall GPA or continuation evaluation.

If you are applying to other schools or graduate programs, you should contact the respective organization for information on how they might regard withdrawals on transcripts.

UBC faculties, graduate, and professional programs state that a withdrawal on a student’s record conveys no useful admissions-related information. These programs are interested in the courses you’ve actually completed and the grades earned.

Letter of Permission

Taking courses at any other institution while registered as a student at UBC – otherwise known as ‘concurrent registration’ – is not permitted without the approval of the School of Kinesiology. In exceptional cases, students may be permitted to complete some courses outside UBC through a Letter of Permission (LOP). 

An LOP is a document that allows undergraduate students to take courses at another accredited institution and transfer those credits back to their degree. BKIN students who wish to take courses at another institution must apply for an LOP in advance and receive approval from the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Centre. The LOP process ensures that the courses taken at another institution meet UBC’s academic standards and that the credits earned will be recognized by the School of Kinesiology.

It is important to note that not all courses or institutions are eligible for an LOP, and there may be limitations on the number of credits that can be transferred. Students should seek advising before submitting the form below to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria and understand the requirements and limitations of the program.

Saved Schedules

Remember that adding or dropping a course from your Saved Schedule on Workday does not reflect your official registered courses. To see what you are currently registered for in Workday, go to Academics > Registration and Courses > View my Courses.

Watch out How-To Workday video on Saved Schedules for further information on creating a Saved Schedule, and editing it.


Seats in all KIN courses are initially restricted to BKIN degree students when registration opens for the Summer and Winter sessions. Students from outside the BKIN program should waitlist for any course they hope to secure a seat in. BKIN students should also waitlist in the event that their preferred course becomes full. As seats become available, students are moved manually from the waitlist into the course by the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Office on a priority basis. In some cases, higher priority may be accorded to students in a certain year or specialization. Students are prioritized in the order of their timestamps, that is, according to the date and time that they went on the waitlist. In all cases, students must have the proper prerequisites for the course.

Course instructors in the School of Kinesiology are not involved in the registration process. Please do not contact instructors to assist with registration. After the first add/drop deadline, no further students will be admitted into KIN courses. Prior to each add/drop deadline, our staff will move as many students from the waitlists into courses, as possible, sometimes on a daily basis in the days leading up to the add/drop deadline.

If the waiting list is full, please check Workday regularly to see if seats open up as we will not be forcing students onto the waiting list. Keep in mind that our staff usually do not work at night; consequently, when it comes to the day of the add/drop deadline, the waitlists will be processed and purged earlier in the day (and not shortly before midnight).

Transfer Credits

Students who have transferred into UBC KIN should contact the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Office to get clarification on if and how credits they have transferred are able to apply towards their BKIN degree. A maximum of up to 60 transfer credits out of the 120 credits required for the BKIN degree are allowed. A minimum of 60 credits towards the degree must be taken while registered as a BKIN student. Students who transfer from another faculty at UBC would have their credits taken outside of KIN considered as transfer credits.
BKIN students who would like permission to take any courses outside of UBC must receive prior written approval in the form of a Letter of Permission (LOP). Students who complete credit toward their BKIN degree at another institution may obtain transfer credit from that institution only if an LOP has been approved.

Changing Program Stream

Students who wish to change their program stream can contact the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Office or fill out an Advising Request Form to inquire.

Credit Exclusions

A Credit Exclusion List is a compilation of courses that are deemed mutually exclusive in terms of credit. This means that you cannot receive credit for both courses on the exclusion list, as they cover substantially similar content. If you have successfully completed one course from the list, attempting and completing another course on the exclusion list will not result in additional credit. The purpose of the Credit Exclusion List is to ensure that students receive a well-rounded education and do not duplicate their learning experiences unnecessarily. It is important to review the Faculty of Science Credit Exclusion List and the School of Kinesiology Credit Exclusion List when planning your course schedule to make informed decisions about which courses to take based on your own academic goals and degree requirements.

Academic Leave

We understand that students may need to take an academic leave at some point in their degree for various reasons. Our office is here to provide guidance and support for those considering a break in their studies. We are committed to helping you navigate the process, offering information and assistance to ensure your well-being and a smooth return to your studies when you’re ready. Your success is our priority, and we encourage you to connect with the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Centre with any questions or concerns. Further information on Academic Leave can be found on the UBC Student Services website.

Academic Standing

The academic standing of all BKIN students is reviewed each spring, at the conclusion of Term 2 of the Winter session. This evaluation places students into one of three standing categories: Good Standing, Academic Probation, or Failed Year standing. To better understand these categories and the implications, we recommend reviewing the details available in the Academic Calendar. If you have any concerns about your standing in the BKIN program, please reach out to the Kinesiology Undergraduate Advising Centre for guidance.

Academic Progress Reports

Academic Progress Reports (APRs) are now available in Workday Student, providing all BKIN students with a real-time tool to track their degree progress. This resource helps you plan your courses with confidence, ensure you’re meeting program requirements, and stay on track for graduation.

Understanding how to navigate and interpret your APR is essential for effective degree planning. Online tutorials and resources are available on the How To – Workday Student page to guide you through using this tool. If you have any questions or need further support, KIN Advising is here to help—don’t hesitate to reach out!

Course Outlines

Below you will find course outlines (also referred to as “syllabi”) for the latest offerings of our KIN courses for your reference. These outlines are meant as a reference, and are subject to change. Always make sure to refer to the most up-to-date course outlines in any course you are currently registered in, and connect with your instructor if you have any questions.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all KIN courses are available every Winter or Summer session. If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of all courses currently offered at UBC, please login to Workday to find course schedule information for 2024W. All course planning and registration will be done in Workday not through the site. More course information will be available on this site in the near future.

For 2023 Winter and 2024 Summer Courses: View course information on UBC’s Course Schedule.

Lower-Level Courses

KIN 110: Human Anatomy: Structure of the neural, muscular, and skeletal systems of the human body. Special emphasis on movement analysis and the physiological effects of exercise.

KIN 120: Health and Exercise Management: Role of physical activity in the maintenance of a healthy life. Application of basic physical fitness and exercise methods, exercise techniques and fitness appraisal.

KIN 131: Systems Physiology I: Structure and function of the skeletal system, muscular system, integumentary system, neuro-hormonal control, and endocrinology. Emphasis will be to develop an understanding of the integrative nature of the systems discussed. *See bottom of page for details if you have received credit for one or both of KIN 190 and KIN 191.

KIN 132: Systems Physiology II: Structure and function of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system, and immune system. Emphasis will be to develop an understanding of the integrative nature of the systems discussed. *See bottom of page for details if you have received credit for one or both of KIN 190 and KIN 191.

KIN 140: Lifespan Motor Development: A lifespan approach to motor development that examines underlying factors affecting physical growth, physical activity behaviour, and human motor performance, while highlighting contemporary issues and trends in society.

KIN 150: Sport and Exercise Psychology : Psychological theories and research related to sport and exercise behaviour.

KIN 160: Leisure and Sport in Society: Introduction to the political, economic and social basis of leisure and sport; concepts, theories and problems.

KIN 205: Research Methods in Kinesiology: Critical evaluation of research studies and methods with emphasis on the physical activity context.

KIN 206: Introduction to Statistics in Kinesiology: Basic concepts and principles of descriptive and inferential statistics, and distribution-free statistical techniques.

KIN 211: Human Motor Behaviour I: Processes underlying human movement and learning motor skills and factors influencing acquisition, performance, and movement control.

KIN 216: Biomechanics I: Application of elementary principles of physics and math to a quantitative analysis of movement. Analysis will also focus on the development of forces within muscles and their effect on initiating and controlling human movement.

KIN 232: Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health: Study of nutrition and its application to physical activity and health. Macro- and micronutrient classification and recommended daily intakes, their digestion, functions in the body and their role in supporting physical activity and health will be discussed.**Previously offered as KIN 265 in 2019W. Students cannot receive credit for both KIN 265 and KIN 232.

KIN 235: Exercise Physiology I: Acute and chronic effects of exercise on body systems; basic concepts of cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular responses to physical activity.

KIN 262: Health Policy and Society: Health policy and the social context in relation to active health.

KIN 300: Human Athletic Performance: An exploration of human movement and related issues pertaining to sports and athletic performance for non-Kinesiology students. Not for credit in the B.Kin. Program.


KIN 311: Human Motor Behaviour II: Acquisition, performance, and control of skilled movements. Processes and underlying mechanisms involved in learning and performing motor skills.

KIN 313: Neuromuscular Integration of Human Movement: The neurophysiological and functional neuroanatomical processes involved in the sensory and motor control of movement, posture and balance in the human. Peripheral and central sensorimotor structures, and neurological diseases that effect human movement and balance control will be discussed.

KIN 316: Biomechanical Properties of Tissues: Mechanics of muscular contraction and how the mechanical properties of the muscle, ligaments, tendons, and bone work synergistically.

KIN 411: Neuroanatomy of Human Movement: Neuroanatomy of human motion in healthy and clinical populations.

KIN 413: Sensori-motor Control of Human Balance: Examining the sensory, motor, and biomechanical factors that contribute to human balance control during quiet standing and postural reactions to internal and external perturbations. Emphasis on understanding the characteristics of healthy balance control and changes associated with age and disease

KIN 415: Sensori-motor Neuroplasticity in Movement and Exercise: Concepts in neuroplasticity related to sensori-motor control of movement and exercise. The focus will be on plasticity (both adaptive and maladaptive) that arises because of either training or injury/non-use as it relates to movement control and exercise.

KIN 419: Laboratory Investigations in Neuromechanical Kinesiology: Integration and application of laboratory principles and techniques for experimental investigations of topics in neuromechanical kinesiology, including biomechanics, motor behaviour, and neurophysiology.

Systems Biology, Exercise and Health

KIN 320: Exercise Testing and Prescription: Exercise prescription, techniques, and appraisal methods for promoting health-enhancing levels of fitness for people with chronic disease and disability.

KIN 335: Advanced Applications of Exercise Physiology: Transport of oxygen during exercise in humans. Regulation and integration of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during exercise.

KIN 420: Prevention of Sports Injuries: Training and safety strategies for the prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and sense organs.

KIN 424: Medical Aspects of Sport and Exercise: Training and safety strategies for the prevention of injuries or disorders of internal organs and central nervous system. Environmental and nutritional factors in conditioning and pre-event preparation.

KIN 432: Sport Nutrition: Sport nutrition guidelines, physiological mechanisms of fuel use in the body, nutritional strategies to support weight change, hydration, and ergogenic aids the needs of special athlete populations.

KIN 434: Exercise, Nutrition and Metabolism: Exploring the physiological and biochemical changes that occur in skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and liver following exercise. Interactions between exercise, nutrition, and commonly prescribed medications used for the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease will also be examined.

KIN 435: Pulmonary Physiology of Exercise: Operation of the lungs, chest wall, and ventilatory control mechanisms during dynamic whole-body exercise.

KIN 438: Skeletal Muscle Physiology: From Generation to Regeneration: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of muscle adaptability to physical activity: muscle development, signaling cascades of hypertrophy and atrophy, and satellite cell contribution to muscle regeneration/repair; etiology of intramuscular fatigue.

Leadership Education for Pedagogy and Physical Activity

KIN 341: Inclusive Physical Activity for Individuals with Special Needs: For persons with disabilities; a developmental, lifelong approach to programming. Includes fieldwork.

KIN 342: Creating Effective, Developmentally Appropriate Physical Activity Learning Environments: Instructional design and technologies applied to sport and physical activity programs.

KIN 344: Leisure Services for Persons with a Disability: Policy issues relating to leisure opportunities for persons with disabilities.

KIN 345: Foundations of Coaching: Methods of athletic conditioning, planning the program, psychology of training and coaching, athletic evaluation.

KIN 442: Planning Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Programs: Processes, techniques and considerations in the planning, implementation and evaluation of physical education, sport and exercise programs in both public and private agencies.

KIN 444: Conceptual Approaches to Games Education: Examination of developmentally appropriate conceptual and tactical approaches to team game instruction.

Psychology of Movement

KIN 351: Physical Activity and Disability: Physical activity counselling, education programming principles, exercise considerations, and strategies for promoting inclusive physical activity for people with disabilities.

KIN 355: Movement Experiences for Young Children: The design and implementation of movement experiences for children in early childhood years.

KIN 450: Inclusive Approaches to Sport Psychology: Examination of the psychological and behavioural processes of athletes from a social justice perspective. The focus will be on the role of social structures, sociocultural norms, power relations, and social identities in shaping athletes’ perceptions and lived experiences in sport.

KIN 453: Understanding and Changing Physical Activity Behaviour: Examining the influence of psychological factors across different settings and populations, with a particular focus on interventions aimed at enhancing mental health. Understanding psychology can be used to design effective interventions at the individual and community level.

KIN 459: Psychobiology of Physical Activity: Exploration of the role that physical activity and exercise play in modifying the neurobiological, autonomic, endocrine, and inflammatory responses to stress.

Sociocultural Studies

KIN 360: Sport, Peace, and Conflict: Relationships that sport and leisure have with peace, conflict, and social inequality in Canada and internationally.

KIN 363: Leisure, Sport, and Popular Culture: Selected aspects of leisure and sport examined in relation to modern social structures and cultures.

KIN 368: Indigenous Sport and Physical Culture in Settler Canada: Historical and contemporary issues in Canada that shape Indigenous sport and physical activity, health programs, and policies.

KIN 464: Health Promotion and Physical Activity: Current perspectives on health promotion and health education; design and implementation of health promotion strategies in a variety of arenas, particularly health promotion/education strategies aimed at encouraging physical activity.

KIN 465: Interculturalism, Health and Physical Activity: Examination of multiculturalism and interculturalism in the delivery of community-based physical activities for diverse populations; connections between physical activity and health in different cultural contexts. Community service learning and participation in culturally unfamiliar physical activities are core elements.

KIN 468: Indigenous Health and Wellness: The complex social, cultural, historical, and economic factors that shape health and wellness within Indigenous communities will be explored through extensive blended learning and experiential learning opportunities.

Advanced Seminars and Work-Integrated Learning

If you’re keen on discovering more about Advanced Seminars and Work-Integrated Learning Courses, please visit the Upper-Level Requirements section on our website for more information. The course outlines for these specific courses do change from year to year depending on the Faculty members running the courses, and information for all sections is updated annually.

KIN 482D: Advanced Seminar in Neuromechanics (E): Topics consider how neurological, cognitive, sensory, mechanical and muscular systems interact to control human motion and its response to the physical environment.

KIN 482E: Advanced Seminar in Neuromechanics (E): Topics consider how neurological, cognitive, sensory, mechanical and muscular systems interact to control human motion and its response to the physical environment.

KIN 483M: Advanced Seminar in Systems Biology, Exercise and Health (M): Topics examine the roles of physical activity and fitness on physiological systems and underlying cellular and metabolic mechanisms.

KIN 484A: ADV SEM INDG SPR (A): Topics explore the relationship between Indigenous physical cultures, physical activity, health and wellbeing.

KIN 484B: ADV SEM INDG SPR (B): Topics explore the relationship between Indigenous physical cultures, physical activity, health and wellbeing.

KIN 486A: Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Movement (A): Topics examines the application of psychology to understanding and supporting healthy sport, physical activity, and health behaviors.

KIN 486C: Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Movement (C): Topics examines the application of psychology to understanding and supporting healthy sport, physical activity, and health behaviors.

KIN 487B: Advanced Seminar in Sociocultural Studies (B): Topics explore the social, cultural and global context of sport, exercise, physical activity, health, and the body.

KIN 487D: Advanced Seminar in Sociocultural Studies (D): Topics explore the social, cultural and global context of sport, exercise, physical activity, health, and the body.