Title: “Reaching out: Help-seeking behaviours among professional male ice hockey athletes”
Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Mark Beauchamp
Committee Members: Dr. Laura Hurd, Dr. Brian Wilson
Abstract: In this study, I propose to explore the help-seeking behaviours of professional male ice hockey athletes. In the last decade, a number of former National Hockey League (NHL) players died by suicide and overdose. In response to these tragic deaths, the NHL initiated several community-level mental health awareness initiatives (e.g., Hockey Talks). However, less is known about the current state of mental health and wellbeing support for the athletes who work and play in professional ice hockey leagues. Help-seeking is an integral first step for individuals and athletes to access the care and support they need to cope and manage their mental health and other stressors. To date, there have been no studies that have examined help-seeking behaviours and processes in professional male ice hockey. This study proposes to interview 15-20 current or recently retired professional male ice hockey athletes on their experiences with seeking help through their competitive hockey careers. Through these interviews, I hope to identify factors that act as both barriers to, and facilitators of, help-seeking among professional ice hockey athletes. The results of this research have the potential to inform interventions and initiate knowledge mobilization designed to foster adaptive help-seeking behaviour in sport.
**Proposal will be conducted virtually. See instructions below.