Hello Grad Students!
Games night is back! Join for a fun evening of jack box games and fun prizes! (4 x $20 gift cards to Starbucks, the Bookstore, and more!)
What: KIN Grad Games and Trivia Night
When: Thursday, February 4th, 7pm
Where: Zoom! (https://ubc.zoom.us/j/68054395222?pwd=aGQvMzNHUkxMa3h5RTNNQUl3NThqdz09)
Contact your grad reps for the password.
What do I need? Something to stream zoom on and your cell phone
Who: For all KIN Grad students!
See you then!
We are here for you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us!
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time: kin-gradreps@lists.ubc.ca
Wishing you all a great semester!
Shalaya, Josh & Alyssa