Title: Positive Body Image Development in Late Adolescent and Young Women Athletes
Supervisors: Dr. Erica Bennett
Committee members: Dr. Katherine Tamminen, Dr. Desmond McEwan
Abstract: Sport is a unique environment for body image experiences. Body image is gendered and girls are susceptible to appearance and functionality related body image concerns that may limit their sport enjoyment and participation. That said, late adolescence and young adulthood have been highlighted as a time when body image may shift more positively for girls and women athletes. Contradictions and gaps in the literature remain, however, including contrasting findings in part due to variance in assessing body image constructs, a lack of focus on positive body image development, and samples of individuals with homogenous positive body image trajectories (Gattartio & Frisén, 2019; Lacroix et al., 2023; Wertheim & Paxton, 2011). The purpose of this proposed research is to understand late adolescent girls and young women athletes’ experiences of positive body image development. Eight to twelve late adolescent girls and young women aged 16 to 24 who are currently athletes and self-identify as experiencing positive body image will be invited to participate in this study. Data will be generated through semi-structured interviews and collage sessions where participants will be prompted to share their experiences of positive body image over time. Using reflexive thematic analysis, I will identify patterns and themes across the participants’ collages and interview data. This research will contribute theoretically to our understanding of positive body image, which is essential in properly equipping clinicians to promote health and well-being and prevent and treat body image disturbances (Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015). Methodologically, this research will help advance the literature on how to utilize collage in research by explicitly detailing the research method to inform future guidelines and ensure clarity and rigour (Scotti & Chilton, 2018).