Title: The fate of the somatotype: Examining the afterlives of a body classification system Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Patricia Vertinsky Committee Members: Dr. Brian Wilson, Dr. Mona Gleason External Examiner: Dr. Vanessa Heggie University Examiners: Dr. Jason Ellis, Dr. Moss Norman Chair: Dr. Kenneth Craig Abstract: While the story of the “somatotype” really begins with William […]
Title: Olympic and Paralympic Athletes’ (De)construction of Athlete Psychological Well-Being Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Andrea Bundon, Dr. Peter Crocker Committee Members: Dr. Guy Faulkner, Dr. Ross Wadey External Examiner: Dr. Jamie Barker University Examiners: Dr. Brian Wilson, Dr. Beth Haverkamp Chair: Dr. E. David Klonsky Abstract: The purpose of this dissertation was to examine, synthesize, and […]