KIN Courses & Active Kids
The first action item under the Community and Knowledge Exchange pillar of the School of Kinesiology Strategic Plan is to strengthen collaborations between the Undergraduate Program and the Outreach programs through faculty research projects, courses, and field placements.
UBC Active Kids has partnered with a growing number of School of Kinesiology undergraduate courses in order to provide experiential learning and enhanced student engagement opportunities for Kinesiology students.
Terms Offered
2022 Winter
Taught by Dr. Jasmin Ma, Kin 341 (formerly 362), in groups, student will submit a PowerPoint presentation that could be used by Active Kids to train their staff to include children with disabilities in their physical activity programming. The top two presentations will be shared back to Active Kids with group members receiving an additional 1% on their final grade and a potential opportunity to present their work to Active Kids staff.
Why are we doing this?
- To apply the theoretical concepts learned in lecture and practice designing inclusive physical education plans and strategies
- To create a resource that can be used by staff who deliver physical activity programming to children with disabilities
Terms Offered
2019 Winter, 2022 Winter, 2022 Fall
Taught by Amanda Jones, Kin 342 (formerly 369) students acquire the pedagogical skills and knowledge required to design and implement, developmentally appropriate physical activity learning environments to in a variety of settings.
Instruction and Coaching
The gymnastics component was presented by Kari Brackenbury the Active Kids Gymnastics Program Coordinator and Senior Coach. Students received technical information about gymnastics skills and discussed how to create a fun, inclusive, developmentally appropriate, organized, safe, and purposeful learning environment.
Terms Offered
2023 Winter
Taught by Dr. Andrea Bundon. More info to follow soon.
Instruction and Analysis
More info to follow soon.
Terms Offered
2019 Winter
Taught by Elena Voloshin , Kin 148A (formerly 115A) students were required to take part in the School of Kinesiology’s Active Kids Multisport/Physical Literacy program for the Homeschool Learning Community, this assignment is worth 15% of their final grade.
Instruction and Analysis
Students, in groups of 2-3, attend the program to serve as guest coaches throughout the duration of the term. Students are responsible for creating and delivering 25min lesson plans which include Athletics based skill acquisition with error detection methods. Chosen skills must be taught individually by all group members during the lesson and may include proper running, jumping, and throwing techniques. Students film their lessons and are assessed by the course instructor. The content of the assignment is based on the Run Jump Throw Wheel (RJTW) Program.
Terms Offered
2017 Fall, 2018 Fall
Taught by Jenn Dober, all Kin 148B (formerly 115B) students are required to attend and observe an Active Kids Gymnastics class and prepare a report contributing to their final grade.
Observation and Analysis
Observations are designed to enhance course content and understanding, specifically with respect to: concept and scope of developmental gymnastics and the role that these gymnastics activities play in motor development, describing the components and movement patterns inherent in developmental gymnastics activities, recognizing and explaining the factors that contribute to effective performance in developmental gymnastics, applying systematic observation and analysis to accurately recognize effective and ineffective performance in developmental gymnastics activities, and demonstrating instructional strategies for leading safe, effective, and inclusive, developmental gymnastics classes and activities.
Terms Offered
2019 Fall, 2019 Winter, 2020 Winter
Taught by Janka Samuhel-Corewyn, Kin 345 (formerly 365) students attend an Active Kids community sport and/or physical literacy based program in order to create a presentation which contributed to 15% of their final grade.
Observation, Analysis, and Presentation
Students observe a session and complete an in-class presentation with a partner. Students are required to identify the domain of the sport team / group which they observed, the coaching type and style, identify coaching parameters that were significant to their learning, explain what they learned from the observation and how that contributed to the creation of their coaching philosophy.
Student Assignment Samples: #1 Presentation Slides, Student Summary; #2: Presentation Slides, Student Summary
Terms Offered
2019 Winter, 2020 Winter
Taught by Dr. Shannon Bredin in the 2019 Winter Term, 106 students in Kin 355 (formerly 366) attended a School of Kinesiology’s Active Kids community sport and/or physical literacy based program.
Each student was required to observe a session (Value: 5% of grade), complete an associated analysis using concepts from a conceptual approach of movement (Value: 5% of grade), and the end product of the assignment was the creation of an infographic to disseminate to target end-users (e.g., parents), which provides activity recommendations based on the student’s observations (Value: 15% of grade), totaling to 25% of their final grade. Each student’s individual work will make a contribution to the creation of a larger collective course “Infographic Library” for practitioners.
Examples of the students work can be found here (check back soon!).
Observation, Analysis, and Knowledge Translation
The capability to identify difficulties that the learner is having in the movement environment and then provide activities to overcome these difficulties is critical for successful instruction. Moreover, the capability to translate this information into effective tools and/or resources that can be readily used by practitioners or the public is critical for widespread knowledge mobilization. This assignment provides student with an opportunity to observe a real life instructional setting, detect movement difficulties that learners are exhibiting, and then engage in a knowledge mobilization activity with the purpose of improving those movement difficulties.
Terms Offered
2019 Winter
Kin 478 (formerly 456) students are provided the option of attending a School of Kinesiology’s Active Kids community sport and/or physical literacy based program for their fieldwork placement.
The required length of the field placement is 30-40 hours spread over the full term (January-April). Kinesiology students to gain practical, applied, 'hands-on' teaching experiences during their placement to enhance their on-going professional development. The placement includes shadowing a community coach, engage with children by creating and leading instructional content, and analyzing their experiences in a fieldwork journal, all contributing to 35% of their final grade.
Observation, Instruction, and Analysis
Students are expected to keep a fieldwork journal which details the community placement profile including: cultural, social climate; number of students, description of learner characteristics and diversity, number of instructional staff, place of physical education in the school, physical education instructor or coach/leader qualifications, value of physical education, frequency and duration, description of other opportunities for children to be physically active in schools and communities. The journal should include chronological entries of: general description of activities, and identification of topics, issues, and challenges worthy of further reflection and discussion. The discussion should include positive applications and, where appropriate, provide recommended alternative pedagogical strategies to addresses challenges and weaknesses. Students must also meet with their sponsor to discuss and learn more about the teaching profession.
Student Testimonials: Letter #1; Letter #2
Research Participant Recruitment
Through the School’s Active Kids program, we are able to connect Faculty and Grad students with families, children, and community members that are interested in taking part in research projects. Several recruitment strategies are available to help support grad student and faculty research portfolios. Please read the application form below for more information. A list of current research projects looking for participants is available here.
Interested in recruiting participants or would like to promote your study through UBC Active Kids, CLICK HERE to submit a recruitment request form. Please give us at least 3 to 5 business days to respond to your inquiry. If you have any questions please contact