The aim of the School’s Mentorship Program is to enhance career learning and professional skills by pairing undergraduate students with alumni to exchange ideas, share experiences, explore and define career paths, and expand their professional networks.
Alumni participation is key to the success of the Program. Alumni mentors help students by sharing their career stories with mentees. Through their leadership, coaching and mentoring skills alumni help mentees progress towards their goals, and support the next generation of leaders in Kin.
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, the KIN Mentorship Program held a virtual wrap-up event to celebrate the end of a successful program. The School would like to thank the 38 alumni mentors, listed below, for their participation, contribution, and dedication to the mentorship program.
- Abhi Cherupkalli, 2015
- Amara Miles, 2015
- Andrew Au, 2017
- Angelina Ko, 2020
- Angelo Graffos, 2016
- Atila Ozakplan, 2001, 2004
- Bianca Knop, 2006
- Brennan Chan, 2019
- Emma Woo, 2014
- Emma Lei, 2019
- Eric Marriott, 2017
- Eric Kawada, 2010
- Garrett Chance, 2018
- Glen Mulcahy, 1991
- Gurjeet Bhangu, 2015
- Hanna Kim, 2019
- Jane Labreche, 1999
- Jasmine Mander, 2018
- Jennifer Dowdeswell, 2001
- Jesse Robertson, 2015, 2016
- Jessi Makenny, 2011
- Joyce (Sze Tung) Lam, 2017
- Justin Tsang, 2016
- Krista Popywych, 1995
- Mahabir Kandola, 2018
- Mark Bi, 2005
- Meghan Martin, 2010
- Olga Mavritsakis, 2015
- Phillip Do, 2018
- Rob Hopper, 2014
- Sarah Richter, 2017
- Shaolin Rahman, 2015
- Stephanie Harvey, 1995
- Taha Qaiser, 2015
- Tyler Chong, 2015
- Vanessa Tam, 2019
- Zoe Sarafis, 2017