Jean Forrest, 1983 Physical Education (Kinesiology) graduate, while at UBC was one of Canada’s outstanding field hockey players on some of UBC’s best teams. Ever since, she has been a tireless advocate for sport. Back in the early 1980s UBC was bestowed with National Team field hockey players under the able coaching of Gail Wilson – Jean Forrest (nee Mustard) was among those elite players. Her All-Star career was highlighted as a member of the 1982-83 UBC team one of UBC’s best in any sport, going undefeated and winning the national championship, a team ultimately inducted into the UBC Sports Hall of Fame. In addition to being selected to the l982/83 All-Canadian team Jean and four of her teammates were also members of Canada’s National team.
Since those heady days on campus Jean has worked extensively in sport and recreation management and marketing, largely on a volunteer basis. Utilizing the friendships, credibility, and pride she gained playing on a Varsity team, she “makes things happen” in the areas of her passion, sport and UBC. She served for six years on the Sport BC Board of Directors, volunteered with the YMCA, Canadian Olympic Committee, Field Hockey Canada, BC Sports Hall of Fame and UBC Sports Hall of Fame. She has been an elected member of the Vancouver Park Board and all the while, with her husband, raising a family who is also involved in sports.
Jean for years has been a big supporter of UBC, serving on the UBC Alumni Association Board of Governors and supporting UBC Athletics, a Thunderbird graduate who is only too glad to give back to the community and to UBC.
Fred Hume, July 2017