Mitchell, Cameron

Associate Professor


Phone: 604 827 2072

Office: Chan Gunn Pavilion, Room 221C | 2553 Westbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3

Lab Address: Lower Mall Research Station (LMRS), Room 328, 332B

Mailing Address: War Memorial Gymnasium, Room 210 | 6081 University Boulevard, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z1

Publications: Google Scholar, Research Gate


McMaster University, 2014, PhD, (Kinesiology)

Brock University, 2009, MSc, (Kinesiology)

McMaster University, 2007, B.Kin, (Kinesiology)


See Google Scholar and Research Gate for an up-to-date list of publications.

Research and Teaching

I am interested in the mechanisms of muscle growth and loss as well as how these relate to chances in physical function. This research is primarily conducted in humans and employs a range of techniques from molecular biology to exercise interventions. My research seeks to understand the mechanisms that drive age related muscle loss and identify interventions which can attenuate or reverse this loss, including resistance training and increasing protein intake. Past studies have examined the role of microRNA in skeletal muscle, identified ideal post exercise protein strategies using stable isotope methods and tested the effects of different resistance training and protein intake patterns on muscle mass. Future mechanistic studies will look to identify the role of muscle extra cellular matrix in regulating resistance training and age induced changes in physical function. While future clinical trials will look to test optimal exercise prescription and diet to promote increased physical function in older adults.

Potential Students

Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree or post-doctoral fellowship are encouraged to contact me at the email address above. Students interested in both the molecular biology of exercise and more applied exercise and nutritional interventions are welcome. Undergraduate students interested in 4th year research projects are also encouraged to contact me.