Expected graduating year: 2018
Stream: Kinesiology and Health Science
Hometown: Richmond, B.C.
You will be the President of the KUS for the upcoming school year, can you tell us a little about what the KUS does?
The Kinesiology Undergraduate Society (KUS) strives to enhance the academic, professional, and social lives of students in the School of Kinesiology. We organize several events such as KIN Camp, KIN Boat Cruise, KIN Peer Academic Program (KPAC), KIN Ski Trip, Career Fair and more! But ultimately, we work to support students to have the best undergraduate experience they can at the School of Kinesiology.
What is the role of the president for the KUS?
The KUS President chairs and leads the Executive team in cultivating a close-knit community focused on enriching the lives and quality of experience of kinesiology students. Additional to event and workshop development, the President also acts as a voting representative and liaison between students and the faculty of the School of Kinesiology and the AMS Council.
What are you most looking forward to for the upcoming school year?
I am most looking forward to seeing and meeting the fresh incoming students to the School of Kinesiology on Imagine Day and at Kin Camp. They always bring renewed and unique energy and I hope to help them settle in and succeed in their endeavors at UBC.
How can people get more involved with the KUS?
In addition to attending our events and coming into our office hours, there are various coordinator and committee positions for students to apply for in September to take part in the organization of our events. Another great way of getting involved is to simply come meet us, get to know us, and provide us with your thoughts, new ideas, and on how we can improve as student leaders!
Why did you choose Kinesiology at UBC?
I chose Kinesiology at UBC because I believed it was a well-rounded blend of the Faculty of Science and Arts that provided me a unique avenue to pursue my career goals. As a transfer student from Arts, I can testify that Kin at UBC has a caring and spirited community that has greatly supported me throughout my years. Transferring was hands down the best decision of my undergraduate period.
What has been your best experience at UBC?
Kin Camp has been my best experience(s) at UBC. (Yes, I know that might come off as a tad bit biased…) The event was the best thing for me as a new incoming student, because it introduced me to not only the atmosphere and pride of Kinesiology, but also to my fellow peers who would later become my best friends. Since then, attending Kin Camp as a leader and executive member has been a humbling opportunity to share my experiences and love of the program to students that I hope to develop that same love in the years to come.
What advice to have for your peers?
My advice for my peers would be to continue to stay open to and explore new ideas and experiences. Kinesiology is such as multidisciplinary field that is extremely versatile and continues to grow and broaden my perspective. Don’t be afraid to expose yourself to something new and push beyond your comfort zone.
What do you hope to do after graduation?
I hope to enter into the field of health care and one day become either a medical doctor or physiotherapist.