Graduating year:1965
Degree: BPE
Ray graduated from UBC having played Thunderbird tennis and baseball., the latter under legendary UBC coach Frank Gnup. This was the “early era” of UBC baseball which produced many good players, memories and stories.
Alumni, alumni spotlight, in history, kin history, raykimoto
Graduating year: 1996
Degree: BHK
Andrea Neil, a 1996 UBC Kinesiology graduate and former star Thunderbird soccer player, has been described by the local media as “. . . a legend with an unimpeachable reputation.”
alumni news, alumni stories, in history, kin history
Graduating year: 1986
Degree: BPE
Stadnyk played tennis for UBC when tennis was a high-profile sport on campus. Following graduation Stadnyk embarked upon a career in the market and soon established Stadnyk and Partners Venture Capital investing in both pharmaceutical and energy companies from which has flourished his impressive entrepreneurial career.
Alumni, alumni stories, in history, kin history, Stories