KIN Spotlight: Dr. Gabriel Zieff

Sessional Lecturer Position

KIN 500L: Clinical Management of the Injured AthleteSessional Lecturer Position

The School of Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia invites applications for a part-time sessional lecturer for the following positions in the 2025/2026 Academic terms.

The successful candidate will deliver core lectures; organize and run lab sections; organize tests, mid-term exams, and grading; and hold office hours weekly, working with the Academic Director on course-related matters, attending subject area meetings, as well as follow up appointments, where applicable.

Applicants should include with their letter of application a CV and the names and email addresses of three references.  

All positions are subject to enrolment, funding and will be governed by UBC Agreement on Conditions of Appointment for Sessional and Part-time Faculty Members.


A Master’s degree in Kinesiology or related fields of study is desirable.  The position is dependent on final enrollments, is subject to availability of funds and will be governed by the University of British Columbia’s, ‘Agreement on conditions of appointment for Sessional Lecturers’.  The current salary is $9,341.29 per 3-credit course. 

KIN 500L (Seminar) Special Topics in Kinesiology: Clinical Management of the Injured Athlete (3-credit course). 

This course is designed for students who want to work with athletes and active individuals in a clinical setting. This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively recognize and manage musculoskeletal injuries in athletes. Active, movement-based therapies form the central core of our approach to sports injury rehabilitation. There is an emphasis on secondary and tertiary injury prevention strategies. (Please note that primary injury prevention is covered in KIN 500K.) In this course we will discuss the evolution of evidence-informed care and emphasize the importance of utilizing a person-centred approach and shared decision making in your practice.  For more information, see course outlines at:

Term Dates:January 1, 2026 to April 30, 2026
Class Format:In-person learning

This advertisement as well as further information about the School of Kinesiology is available on the School of Kinesiology website at  Information on the employment environment in the School of Kinesiology is available at and also that of the Faculty of Education All positions are subject to final budgetary approval. Applicants should submit their application including a CV online to:

Dr. Robert Boushel

School of Kinesiology, UBC

210 – 6081 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1


Review of applications will begin Apr 5, 2025. All applications received by April 4, 2025 will receive full consideration.

The University is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and equitable work environment for all members of its workforce. An inclusive work environment presumes an environment where differences are accepted, recognized and integrated into current structures, planning and decision-making modes. Within this hiring process, UBC will make efforts to create an inclusive and equitable process for all candidates (including but not limited to people with disabilities). Accommodations are available on request for all candidates taking part in the selection process.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

Position Closes: April 4, 2025

View the job description here

McIntyre, Deanna

Development Officer


Office Address: Neville Scarfe Building

In Memoriam: Alena Branda, 1937 – 2024

Dear Members of the School,

It is with sadness the School has recently learned that Alena Branda, Senior Instructor Emerita of Human Kinetics passed away July 4, 2024.  Alena was 87 years old and lived in West Vancouver. She retired from the School in 1996.  Alena was an exceptional gymnastics coach. UBC’s 1969-70 women’s gymnastics team, coached by Alena, won the Western Canada Intercollegiate Athletic Association championship and competed in the first-ever national championships for women under the auspices of the newly founded Canadian Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Union (CWIAU). The team included physical education student and 1968 Olympian Sandra Hartley. She is predeceased by her husband, Ladislav Branda in 2021.

Our sincere condolences to her family.  


Robert Boushel
Director and Professor
UBC School of Kinesiology