
Innovation drives research in the School of Kinesiology.

The School of Kinesiology is internationally recognized for its distinguished research and innovation applied to the study of human movement, sport, physical activity, and health. The School is home to over 25 active researchers and 100 graduate students, who are linked through collaborative, multidisciplinary networks with other institutions, research centres, and clusters at UBC and abroad.

In 2018 the Chan Gunn Pavilion opened its doors on Wesbrook Mall to serve as the new hub for sports medicine and exercise science research at UBC.


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Research News

Psychology of Physical Activity, co-authored by Dr. Guy Faulkner

The positive benefits of physical activity for physical and mental health are now widely acknowledged, yet levels of physical inactivity continue to be a major concern throughout the world. Understanding the psychology of physical activity has therefore become an important issue for scientists, health professionals and policy-makers alike as they address the challenge of behaviour […]

Maximizing the impact of global and national physical activity guidelines: the critical role of communication strategies

Dr. Guy Faulkner is one of the researchers (see other authors in link) who contributed to a new paper that came out in British Journal of Sports Medicine.

New paper by PhD student Jackie Lee and Dr. Guy Faulkner in partnership with NINET Lab

This is the first patient-oriented study to propose the combination of physical exercise and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is acceptable for patients with treatment resistant depression.

UBC study identifies social and behavioural factors most closely associated with dying

Smoking, divorce and alcohol abuse have the closest connection to death out of 57 social and behavioural factors analyzed in research published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study analyzed survey data collected from 13,611 adults in the U.S. between 1992 and 2008, and identified which factors applied to those who died between 2008 and 2014.