Congratulations to Dr. Eli Puterman for the SSHRC Partnership Grant

The PGs are the largest grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the program is designed to advance research partnerships and knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities through shared intellectual leadership and mutually beneficial collaboration between researchers at postsecondary institutions and organizations of various types.

Research topic: Scaling up Trauma and Violence-Informed Outreach with Women Affected by Violence
Applicant: Dr. Victoria Bungay, UBC with co-applicant, Dr. Eli Puterman, and 27 others.
Partner organizations: 2 universities and 12 non-profit and government organization partners
SSHRC award: $2,499,946
Partners cash/in-kind commitments: $1,966,154
MSFHR match funding grant: $380,000
Other funding sources: $490,000
Total project budget: $5,336,100

Congratulations on this exceptional achievement!