We are pleased to announce that Drs. Andrea Bundon and Rosalin Miles have each been named a recipient of the 2022-23 Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund.
The 2022-23 CUES Fund has awarded over $745,000 to 31 community-university projects that will benefit communities and advance collaborative research, teaching, and learning.
Dr. Bundon’s project includes a collaboration with researchers at UBC, BCIT and SFU, who will partner with the British Columbia Mobility Opportunities Society to develop and further improve adapted exercise equipment for people with physical disabilities.
Dr. Miles’ project involves a partnership with UBC Indigenous Health and Physical Activity Program and the Vancouver School Board to co-create a culturally relevant toolkit that supports Indigenous learners in parent-teacher conversations.
Congratulations to Dr. Bundon and Dr. Miles!
Read about all of the project recipients of the 2022-23 CUES Fund.